
Spineopedia Mission & Purpose

Our mission is to be the most comprehensive online community devoted to the collection and dissemination of high quality, evidence based research findings, and unbiased study reviews related to spine care, while fostering transparent, open scholarly discussion amongst spine care professionals to improve treatment and outcomes. Spineopedia is a resource intended to enhance decision making by both spine providers and consumers.

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Featured Spineopedia Reviewed Study

Microsurgical Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Report of 158 Patients with a Mean Followup of More Than 32 Years.

Microsurgical Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Report of 158 Patients with a Mean Followup of More Than 32 Years.

This is a retrospective review of reported outcomes of 158 patients,  with a minimum of 25 years followup after microsurgical discectomy of a lumbar herniated disc. The Authors conclude that microsurgical discectomy surgery is an effective technique with high patient satisfaction. This is an important retrospective long term view on microdiscectomy, and certainly is consistent […]


Latest Spine News - October 22nd, 2024 4:16 AM